Wednesday, April 29, 2009


—Photograph by Sandor H. Szabo/MTI/AP

Csengele, Hungary, April 21, 2009--While planting seedlings, workers on a farm 140 kilometers (85 miles) south of Budapest lay down plastic sheeting in this aerial view.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

robin egg blue

I caused a lot of trouble in my years. 

The color of the wall in this video inspires me as well a the lyrics and the banjo and the lyrics

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hello dear, everything is fine. its a nice day maybe low 70s. I may or may not go grocery shopping. I need to clean up the rust off the bikes and maybe do some wash. sighhhhh kdkajhfkj.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

get right out of town...

April 14, 2009--Lightning, which often accompanies large eruptions, illuminates a giant ash cloud from Alaska's Redoubt Volcano, southwest of Anchorage, in a March 28 picture by an amateur astronomer. (See daytime pictures of the Redoubt Volcano eruption.)

To "see" the lightning inside volcanic plumes, scientists began setting up four lightning mapping arrays, which look like large antennas, near Redoubt Volcano in January. Often used to predict thunderstorms, such arrays had never before been deployed before an eruption.

"We don't always get lightning [when a volcano erupts]," said Steve McNutt, research professor of volcano seismology at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, who was involved in the project. "And that's one of the things we're trying to figure out."
—Photograph courtesy Bretwood Higman

This picture fascinates me... and also for some reason reminds me of my deep love for dark and crazy things. Like ghosts and horror movies. Ill try and come up with a good Horror top ten list after some good thought for next time. enjoy.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

shredding, building, beards

a. I wish I were a 11 year old boy who skated so I could go to this camp.
b. Doing a back flip off a moving skateboard into a lake seems like a really fun/good idea
c. Its refreshing to see genuine, laid back, good people doing awesome creative and helpful things. especially if they have beards.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Fresh Milk

Im creating this blog to follow life, fashion, and the inspirations I come across on a daily basis. Through reading this I hope you discover beautiful things (and people), learn new things, and think about life on a bigger scale.

So here we go...

Not a huge fan of worms myself. I love to fish but since i don't have a boyfriend anymore to worm my hooks i use bread (by the way the bread thing is actually pretty good bait especially if you dip it in a little beer) OK back to worms... wow. these guys are amazing. Marine fireworms. definitely a fitting name. The colors and everything are stunning.. transparent, orange, yellow, red and they are so well designed.

National Geographic says "Among the many intriguing aspects of the marine fireworm is the staying power of the glow it creates, thought to be created by a specific light-producing protein, or "photoprotein." As part of the Scripps study of the worms, it was found by researchers Dimitri Deheyn and Michael Latz that the goo glows in temperatures as low as -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit).

The fluorescent photoprotein in the worm's goo may have commercial applications. "If we understand how it's possible to keep light so stable for such a long time, [the process could be used] in biomedical, bioengineering, or other fields," Deheyn said in a statement."
—Photograph by Dimitri Deheyn, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

I only have one thing to say. NG.... please hire me.... ill work for free.
